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Enhanced access

Appointments are available in the evening and at weekends, please call reception to book an evening appointment at the practice or a Saturday appointment at our local linked practice, Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX). Alternatively, please visit 111 online or call 111 to be directed to the help you need.

Our practice is part of a small group of practices called a Primary Care Network. We are working with other local GP practices to provide out of hours appointments in the evenings and on Saturday’s. Working together means we can provide more local services to you. These evening and weekend appointments may take place by phone, video, or face to face depending on clinical need. You may be offered an appointment at your GP practice, at Cassidy Road Medical Centre or another local NHS service.

If you would like an evening appointment at the practice or a Saturday appointment at Cassidy Road Medical Centre with a GP or other healthcare professional, you can book it from this practice.

The receptionist will ask you if you consent to record sharing. By consenting to record sharing, if you have a Saturday appointment, this will enable Cassidy Road Medical Centre to access your records so the GP or other healthcare professional can provide you with appropriate care. Without record sharing, the GP or healthcare professional will still see you but it may impact their ability to care for you appropriately.

You will receive a text message (if we have a mobile number for you if not please provide us with one) confirming the time, date, the practice name and postcode. To cancel your appointment, please contact the practice.

If it’s not urgent you can also use the online consultation form on the practice website, which will be responded in practice hours.

Website FAQs

What is the GP extended access service?

The enhanced access service provides you with appointments at a time that suits you with either a GP or other health professional. Appointments are available to you on weekday evenings at your practice or on Saturday’s at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX).

Who can access these appointments?

Anyone registered with a GP practice within the South Fulham Primary Care Network.

  • Ashville Surgery
  • Cassidy Road Medical Centre
  • Fulham Cross Medical Centre
  • Fulham Medical Centre
  • Lilyville Surgery
  • Palace Surgery
  • Sands End Health Centre

How do I book an appointment?

Contact your GP practice in the usual way to request an appointment. If there is no appointment available at your practice, they may offer you an appointment with the GP or other health professional at Cassidy Road Medical Centre, if this is right for you.

If your practice is closed and you need a GP, please contact NHS 111. They will also be able to book an appointment for you at Cassidy Road Medical Centre for a Saturday appointment.

Please note that your consent will be required in order for an appointment to be booked for you.

What other information will I have to provide?

The receptionist will ask you if you consent to record sharing. By consenting to record sharing, if you have a Saturday appointment at Cassidy Road Medical Centre, this will enable their team to access your records so the GP or other healthcare professional can provide you with appropriate care. Without record sharing, the GP or healthcare professional will still see you but it may impact their ability to care for you appropriately.

For further information or how to book an appointment online please visit the (practice website) or contact your GP practice.

If urgent care is required, please call ‘111’ for further advice. If your need is life threatening, please go to A&E or call 999.

For support with the management of minor ailments, please contact your local pharmacist or visit the NHS UK website.

What can I be seen for?

An enhanced access appointment is exactly like an appointment at your own GP practice. The service can also see babies and children and has nurse appointments for treatments such as wound care and baby immunisation.

Will I see my own GP and/or nurse?

If you would prefer to see your usual GP or practice nurse, please book an appointment with your usual practice during their normal opening hours.

If you are happy to see another GP or health professional from your own practice at a time that is more convenient, then you can book an appointment at your practice for a morning or evening slot. [amend accordingly]

For appointments on Saturday’s, you will be seen by experienced GPs or other health professionals at Cassidy Road Medical Centre but you will not be seen by your own GP or nurse.

Will the GP I see have access to my medical record during my appointment?

Your medical record will, with your consent, be available to the GP or health professional that sees you, to ensure that they have the information they need to give you the best possible care. Notes of your appointment will be sent back to your own GP practice electronically to ensure that your record is up to date. An appointment with this service will be just like an appointment at your own GP practice.

How do I cancel an appointment?

If you need to cancel the appointment, please call your surgery within opening hours.

Where do I go for my appointment?

Opening times:

  • Monday – 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Fulham Cross Medical Centre (322 Lillie Road, London, SW6 7PP) and 6:30pm to 8pm at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Tuesday – 6:30pm to 8pm at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Wednesday – 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Fulham Cross Medical Centre (322 Lillie Road, London, SW6 7PP) and 6:30pm to 8pm at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Thursday – 6:30pm to 8pm at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Friday: 6:30pm to 8pm  at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Saturday: 9am to 8pm at Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX)
  • Sunday: Closed

Page published: 17 December 2024
Last updated: 19 December 2024